Weekly Racing
Regular Racing Classes
Regular racing for all skill levels. Use a club boat
or bring your own.
Format: Fleet Racing
Classes: Laser, Merlin Rocket, MRX, Toppers
Sundays 10am start 3-4 races with break
Wednesdays 7pm start 2 races
(Rookie Racing: Sunday Afternoons 14:00 - 17:00)
MERLIN & MRXThe ultimate hiking dinghy for two people - refined over 70 years of development. Now an extremely modern class providing excellent racing throughout the UK.
The Merlin Rocket combines the boat handling and tactical racing of the traditional designs with the thrills and excitement of the modern ‘fast in a straight line’ ones. |
ILCAThese single-handed boats are well suited to sailors of all ages and abilities from relative beginners to Olympic champions! The boats are a strict one-design, extremely simple to rig, almost indestructible and require little maintenance.
ILCAs have 3 different sail sizes to suit sailors of different heights, weights and abilities, and these can also be matched to wind strength. |
TOPPERThe Topper is an iconic single handed sailing dinghy . From its early days as a family fun boat, a role it still fulfils to perfection, the Topper has evolved to become one of the UKs most popular single handed racing dinghies.
As an RYA recognised junior class, Topper racing can be amongst the most varied and competitive in the UK. |